All manuscripts will be subject to editorial review and blind peer reviews. Papers that do not meet the criteria for inclusion or are otherwise inappropriate will be rejected without external review. Manuscripts judged to be appropriate for inclusion in the Jurnal of Citra Delima are sent for formal review. Typically two experts review each paper, however they may be subjected to more advanced scrutiny if more specialised advice is needed in regards to statistics or techniques. Based on the reviewers comments, the editors will then accept or reject the papers with the following conditions:
(1) Accept and publish, with or without editorial revisions,
(2) Invite the authors to revise their manuscript and address specific concerns,
(3) Reject the article outright, typically on grounds of lack of originality, insufficient conceptual advancements or major technical and/or interpretational problems.
Any changes made to the original text will be clearly stated for review by the author. The author must carefully examine the sentence structure, the completeness and accuracy of the text, references, tables and graphic content of the revised text. The editor will have a final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the text. The Editorial Board has the right to edit articles on all aspects of style, format and clarity. Manuscripts with excessive errors in any aspect, such as Spelling or punctuation, the number of words will be returned to the author to be revised before being sent back or can be completely rejected. Citra Delima welcomes recommendations from reviewers regarding editing of prospective texts, but in the case of conflicting suggestions from reviewers, the editor will make a final decision about the action.