Author Guidelines

Text sent by the author is original scientific work, has never been published, and is not sent for publication in other media/journals The proposed text can be in the form of research results (fields/literature), conceptual ideas, research, application of theory in the Health Professional. 

Titles are typed in Indonesian and English with Times New Roman font 11 by using capital letters in each word. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian. Manuscripts are written in Times New Roman font 10 with single spaces and two-column formats. 

The manuscript starts with a maximum of 250 words abstract written in Indonesian and English. Abstracts are typed in Times New Roman with fonts 9. Titles, abstracts, and keywords are written in Indonesian and English. Abstracts must clearly indicate the background of the problem, objectives, theories and methods, findings or novelty of ideas, and main conclusions. The author's name is written without an academic degree. If the script is written by a team or more than one person, the editor will communicate only with the main author or author whose name is registered. 

The manuscript is organized into five subtitles in the following order: (a) Introduction: includes identification of problems, review of literature, research objectives, and benefits of research, (b) Method: consists of the way research is conducted and descriptions of materials, equipment, and procedures used in do analysis or research, (c) Results and Discussion: explain the results of research or analysis and can be presented in sub-chapters, (d) Conclusions: written in summary form and if necessary, each paragraph containing research conclusions can be given a serial number, (e ) bibliography: Bibliography is arranged alphabetically in reference to the APA Quotation Style. Use the Mendeley application to facilitate the inclusion of references. Review texts can be written in Indonesian or English in 8-14 pages. 

Manuscripts are written in the following order: book identity, author's biography, introduction, discussion, and cover. Sources of references/citations listed in the text are the main reference sources in the form of research reports or articles published in scientific journals in the last 10 years. Technical writing of citations uses the attached reference technique (name, year). Article format meets Citra Delima Scientific journal of Citra Internasional Institute  Article Template. Articles must be under 30% check by plagiarism software Articles do not contain the results of plagiarism, forgery, and data creation.